5 Moves to Help Relieve Tight Muscles

Your muscles will thank you.

how to use a foam rollerPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

Nsuani Baffoe, personal training regional manager for GoodLife Fitness in Toronto, explains five ways to release tight muscles with a foam roller.

For each move: Roll back and forth until you feel a knot and, once you do, remain on that spot for about two minutes.

#1: Quads

In a plank position, with your toes and forearms on the floor, and the roller under one of your legs, move back and forth, rolling between your hip and knee. Repeat on the opposite leg.

#2: Glutes

In a seated position, with your knees bent, the roller under your bum and your hands and feet on floor, move back and forth from your hip to the bottom of your glute. Repeat on the opposite leg. And with bikini season just around the corner, try our fave glute activation workout to get your booty summer-ready.

#3: Rectus abdominis 

In a plank position, with your toes and forearms on the floor, and the roller under your abs, slowly and gently move back and forth, rolling between your rib cage and pelvis.

#4: Pectoral

Lying with hands out in front of you like Superman and the foam roller under your armpit, roll it towards the centre of your chest

#5: Lats

Sitting with your knees bent, lay back on your side with the foam roller under your shoulder and roll up and down your back.

Next, read up on why you need to make post-workout stretching a priority.

Originally Published in Best Health Canada