3 family fitness ideas

With obesity on the rise, it only makes sense for families to work out together. Try one of these family fitness ideas to get started

3 family fitness ideas

Source: Web exclusive: July 2008

It’s great to have fun together instead of merely picking up the kidsat hockey or soccer practice, says personal trainer Susan Cantwell, amother of four and author of No More Excuses! Breakthrough Thinking for Real Weight Loss. Not only will you set a good example, you’ll carve out extra time with your kids. Try one of these family fitness ideas, and post your comments to suggest your own.

Baby boot camp—A fitness class for new mom and baby that hooks into the popularity of boot camps. Check out your local YMCA or rec centre.
Great for: Time-pressed new moms who want to get back in shape and meet other moms.
Bonus: No daycare required.

Geocaching—Billed as a high-tech treasure hunt, it involves orienteering via GPS. Check out canadageocaching.com.
Great for: Kids (and big kids) who love gadgets.
Bonus: No complaints from your gang about boring hikes.

Wii Fit—With more than 40 fitness, activity and tracking programs geared for up to eight family members, Nintendo’s Wii Fit promises to get you all off the couch and into better shape. Check out wiifit.ca.
Great for: Video-game addicts and large families for whom the cost of gym memberships could be onerous.
Bonus: You don’t have to leave home.

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