What’s online from Best Health’s Summer 2011 issue

Looking for the tips and advice we mentioned in the Summer 2011 issue of the magazine? Find more on the topics covered in the magazine and share your thoughts with us right here

What's online from Best Health's Summer 2011 issue

New & Now

32 Your favourite bloggers
Check out what Best Health’s bloggers are talking about today.

Get Healthy

68 Do-it-yourself boot camp
Take advantage of the summer weather and try our ultimate outdoor workout or check out these workout videos.


75 Beating cancer, by a nose
Learn 10 ways to cut your cancer risk.

81 Personal lubricants
Want to know how your relationship can benefit from sex toys?

84 Mind over food
Learn how mindful eating can help you have a healthier diet.

86 Family first-aid essentials
Stay safe while having fun. Here are six summer safety tips you need to know.

Eat Well

100 Grilled to perfection
You’ll enjoy making these healthy summer meals almost as much as you’ll enjoy eating them!

104 Eat great, lose weight
Try these 100-calorie snack ideas to curb cravings.

108 Stave off diabetes
Find more healthy recipes in Eat to Beat Diabetes.

112 This is a mushroom burger!
Try even more healthy burger recipes.

115 Quick fixes
Check out more 30-minute recipes for quick and easy meals.

Embrace Life

129 Ask a sex therapist
Afraid parenthod has derailed your sex life? Here’s how to baby-proof your marriage.

130 Does birth order matter?
Find Best Health readers’ favourite memories of their siblings and share some of your own.

139 Mother Nature’s Spa
Need an excuse to get outside? Learn about the health benefits of being outdoors.