How to Make Peach Baby Food at Home

Sweet peaches are an approachable baby food to make at home.

Naturally sweet and juicy, peaches are an appealing fruit for babies, even fussy eaters. They’re also a good source of vitamins A and C. Happily, peach baby food is easy to make at home.

When can babies start eating peaches?

Babies as young as four to six months can try peaches—generally around the same age that you can introduce solid foods to an infant.

How to make peach baby food


  • Any number of peaches, organic if you prefer (though you will peel the skin).


Step #1: Wash and disinfect

Wash the peaches in warm water with a splash of vinegar, which has disinfecting properties. (Here are more surprising ways to use vinegar around the house.)

Step #2: Blanch and peel

Bring a pot of water to boil. Set up a nonreactive bowl with cold water and ice. Drop peaches into the pot and cook for about 45 seconds, then transfer immediately to the cold water bath. When they’re cool, peel off the skins with a sharp knife. They should slide right off.

Step #3: Puree

Cut the peaches into wedges, removing the pit. Puree in a food processor, or mash by hand with a potato masher or wooden spoon. For infants, the smoother the texture the better. You can add a splash of apple juice if you’d like to thin the puree out even further. For a creamier texture, you can add a ripe banana to the puree.

That’s it! The puree should keep a few days in the fridge. You can freeze pureed fruit, but the texture will change and crystallize.

Next, find out the best dog breeds for kids.

Taste of Home
Originally Published on Taste of Home