News: Garlic may have the power to kill bacteria that causes food poisoning
Not sure about your mother-in-law’s cooking? Perhaps you should load up on the garlic beforehand. According to new research published

Not sure about your mother-in-law’s cooking? Perhaps you should load up on the garlic beforehand.
According to new research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, a key ingredient in garlic is effective at fighting a bacteria that’s known to cause food poisoning. Garlic is even 100 times more powerful than two popular antibiotics, and takes significantly less time to work, reports The Daily Mail.
While the research did not say how much garlic would need to be consumed, it could be instrumental in the development of new treatments to reduce the prevalence of food poisoning.
I think I’ll wait for more information before I start including a clove of garlic in my daily diet, but it’s definitely an interesting finding.
Would you regularly eat garlic if it could prevent food poisoning?
‘ 4 myths about food poisoning, busted
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