My healthy life: Alison Korn
A former Olympic rower, Alison Korn balances early-bird workouts with the occasional brownie

Source: Best Health Magazine, Summer 2008; Photo by Charles Thomas
She’s a two-time Olympic medallist—silver in 1996 and bronze in 2000—but when it comes to staying healthy today, Alison Korn says, “I’m just a mom who wants more sleep!” Korn (pictured here with her daughter, Clara) retired from rowing after the 2000 Olympics and now works as a freelance journalist and public speaker.
“I face the same struggle all mothers face in staying active: how to work it in,” she says. Korn lives in Ottawa with husband, Charles Thomas, and with twins Clara and Daniel. “One of the athletes I’d like to see do well [at the Olympics] is rower Jane Rumball. She’s worked toward this for years and does so much good for others, too.”
Her motto
“An imperfect workout is better than no workout at all. After my kids were born, my fitness routine was just long walks, something I’d have laughed at in my previous life. But it got me out.”
The baking fixation
“It’s relaxing and the smell of cinnamon totally improves my mood. Usually I bake fairly healthy stuff like chocolate chip banana bread or pretzels, but I’ve been known to do pies, cinnamon buns and brownies.”
Fitness revelation
“When I retired [from rowing], I tried working out regularly on my own at the gym. It was soooo boring. I needed to find a workout that suited my personality, and someone suggested I try a masters swim class. It’s great: I have regularly scheduled workouts with a coach and teammates.”
No-fuss get-togethers
“Dining out is my favourite way to connect with friends. Everybody’s days are full, so we’ll pick a date a couple of weeks in advance and see who can make it.”
The 5:30 a.m. wake-up call
“I love how good I feel after my workout, so I ignore the part I hate: getting up for my 6 a.m. swimming workout at the sports centre near my house. I tried evening swims, but I’m too wiped out by then. At 5:30 in the morning, no one else needs me.”
Healthy compromise
“I still have a jelly belly [since the pregnancy]. But I know the abs underneath it are strong!”
This article was originally titled "My healthy life," in the Summer 2008 issue of Best Health. Subscribe today and never miss an issue!