Hate Your Workouts? Here’s How to Fix That
It’s one thing to commit to the idea of exercising and another to actually do it. Here are my go-to tips that get me out the door, rain or shine.

You know that old saying “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life”? You can apply it to fitness, too. I used to put off exercising for any number of reasons. My usual laments included:
• I’m too busy
• It’s too cold/windy/hot/cloudy
• I’m too tired
A few years ago, I realized that the reason I had so many excuses was because I hated the types of workouts I was doing. Top of the list? Boot camp. I have lots of friends who swear by it. In fact, the very things I dislike – the yelling, the pressure to perform – are exactly what they need to get moving. Me? I need something that brings me peace, not pain, and that’s what I’ve found in hiking. Bottom line: Fitness is personal. Even if you and your bestie do everything together, you may have to draw the line at exercising side by side.
Like every woman on the planet, I multi-task all day long, even when I’m working out. But what’s different is how I use my fitness time. It’s not for planning my grocery list or managing my budget; it’s just for thinking. About me. Who I am, who I want to be, how I feel about stuff. There’s never enough time in the day for such a luxury, but my hikes give me that.
Still, I’m human, so there are days when I need a little push. My motivation? Setting out my clothes ahead of time. I pile them on a chair beside my bed to remind me it’s a workout day when I wake up. If I don’t get dressed and go right away, the guilt builds, compounding every time I walk by that neat pile so patiently waiting for me to put it on and go outside to play.