Fight Heart Disease with Green Tea
The list of benefits derived from green tea just keeps growing.

Yet another feather in the cap for green tea: new research from the June 2008 issue of the European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation shows that consumption of green tea has an immediate beneficial effect on cardiovascular health.
We’ve already blogged about some of the other health benefits of drinking green tea, including increasing the bug-fighting powers of antibiotics and helping to prevent certain cancers. And when you consider that avoiding calorie-laden beverages is an important part of maintaining a healthy weight, green tea really is a great choice.
One of my favourite loose green teas is Japanese Sour Cherry from Victoria shop Silk Road (you can buy from them online). They offer tips on brewing and serving tea on their website, as well as recipes. And when it comes to bagged tea, my green tea of choice is Genmaicha, or green tea with toasted brown rice, from Choice Organics—their teas are available in many health food and grocery stores, or you can purchase them from their website. Unlike many bagged green teas, I find their genmaicha doesn’t get bitter.
What are your favourite brands of green tea, and how do you like to serve them?