Crispy Cinnamon Cookies

These crispy cinnamon cookies are wonderfully quick and easy to make.

Easy-to-Prepare Recipes by Lucy Waverman


Servings: cookies
Servings: cookies
  1. Separate gyoza skins and cut in half. Alternatively, to make the cups use a 2-inch (5-cm) cookie cutter to turn them into smaller rounds.
  2. Heat 1 inch (2.5 cm) oil in a wok or deep skillet over medium-high heat. When oil is very hot(about 350 F 180 C on a deep fat/candy thermometer or when a cube of bread turns brown within 15 seconds) add gyoza a few at a time and fry for 30 seconds to 1 minute or until brown and crispy. Drain on paper towels.
  3. To make the cups add 2-inch (5 cm) rounds one at a time, using tongs to press down centre of skin for 8 seconds or until it holds the shape of a small cup. Add another skin and repeat, turning and removing gyoza from oil with a slotted spoon once they have become brown and crispy. Drain on paper towels.
  4. Combine sugar and cinnamon in a medium bowl. Add cookie or cups and toss with sugar mixture while still warm.
Recipe Notes

Per serving: 45 calories, 8 mg calcium, .5 g total fat, 3 mg magnesium, 0 g saturated fat, 55 mg sodium, .2 g monounsaturated fat, 19 mg potassium, .2 g polyunsaturated fat, 0 mg vitamin E, 9 g carbohydrate, 3.6 mg iron, 1 g protein, 83 RE vitamin A, 0 mg cholesterol, 2.4 mg vitamin C, 0 g fibre