Too late for a pre-nup?

A story on this morning touts post-nups, legal arrangements laid out after you’ve tied the knot that set out

A story on this morning touts post-nups, legal arrangements laid out after you’ve tied the knot that set out the terms of the marriage. And no, they’re not just something for exorbitantly wealthy folks or those crazy celebs. The story doesn’t cite numbers, but says 50 percent of lawyers polled by the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers have reported an increase in post-nuptial agreements over a five-year period.

While, not surprisingly, most are used to settle money matters, the article says they’ve also been used to resolve fights over how often the mother-in-law gets to visit or how many boys’ weekends he’s allowed to attend.

The inclusion of such commonplace disputes makes the idea seem like a reasonable option. But I assume having to bring lawyers (yes, lawyers, plural – couples generally need three: one to draw up the agreement, and his and hers to review the document) into your fights is never a good sign. Then again, I’m single. So what do I know?

Short of bringing in lawyers, what are your strategies for resolving sticky issues at home? And if you ever were to draw up a post-nup (even just a fantasy one), what would you include in there? Dish duty? No TV in the bedroom? Dish the dirt here.