The final countdown

Remember when October was far, far in the distant future? Well, last week it suddenly showed up on my doorstep,


Remember when October was far, far in the distant future? Well, last week it suddenly showed up on my doorstep, and as of today I have 10 days until the half-marathon in San Francisco.

I had hoped to get up to a 20 km run before the race, but the Weekend to End Breast Cancer got in the way of my training schedule (not that walking 60 km is bad for you), so my long run this week was 17 km’which I think is still enough. I was a lot more worried about overtraining and getting injured than undertraining.

The 17 felt good’I definitely thought I could have done another 4 km if I’d had to’although my knees were sore from pounding the pavement for so long, as well as from a sudden stop I had to make to avoid an errant car. (Dear drivers: runners move faster than walkers.) I only took one short (90-second) walk break, plus a bathroom break, and was back home within two hours of leaving.

I still plan on squeezing in a few shorter runs, and some intervals, but that’s it for the long ones. I have to say I’m relieved’it’s been challenging fitting them into my schedule.

I leave for San Francisco on Friday the 16th, and I’m beyond glad that the jet lag will make the 7 am race start more bearable. (So early!)

Wish me luck, and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks with a full report.

View all of Kat’s running posts on the Half-marathon diaries home page.

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