News: Is marriage the secret to a longer life?

Your spouse may leave dishes is the sink and socks on the floor, but they could also be the key


Your spouse may leave dishes is the sink and socks on the floor, but they could also be the key to your longevity.

According to a new study, published in the Annals of Behavioural Medicine, having a partner during middle age protects against premature death.

“Social ties during midlife are important to help us understand premature mortality,’ the study’s authors told Science Daily.

This isn’t the first study to link marriage and longevity.

A 2012 study in the American Journal of Epidemiology found a 32 percent higher risk of death for single men compared to married men (23 percent for women).


The study speculates that single people don’t automatically have the same social support that married couples have.

What about bad marriages though?

I’m guessing constant arguments and general discontent aren’t good for your health.

And a good marriage? Well, that’s just the same as having a good relationship with anyone’whether it’s your sister, your mom or your best friend’it provides emotional support and social connection.

What do you think? Are the married people you know happier and healthier?

-Katharine Watts, Associate Web Editor

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