Get gorgeous waves

Loose, long, wavy hair ruled the spring/summer runways. That’s good news, given that something like 80 percent of women have

Loose, long, wavy hair ruled the spring/summer runways. That’s good news, given that something like 80 percent of women have some wave in their hair, according to Tim Rogers, a top hair stylist from New York. (He dropped by our office while we were finalizing the summer issue. Talk about hair raising…but you’re going to love it, we know!)

Personally, I consider myself hairstyle-impaired. So, I can vouch for the fact that aiming for loose, tousled waves a la Kate Hudson can end up looking a little, well, unkempt.

Luckily, Rogers has tips. To get soft, shiny waves, he recommends braiding long fine- or medium-straight hair. After washing and conditioning with Charles Worthington London Big Waves Shampoo and Conditioner ($10 each)—yes, he’s a spokesperson—apply Charles Worthington London Big Waves Enhance Spray and blow-dry your hair until it’s about 50 percent dry. Pull your hair into a loose braid and secure it at the end (“don’t put the elastic at the top, like Pippi Longstocking”). Once hair is fully dry, release the elastic and run your fingers through your hair for a casual yet sophisticated look.

We’ve got tips for short, medium-length and curly hair too, of course. And if all else fails, simply slick on some pretty pink lipstick and you’ll be right on trend for the warm weather.