Fitness-friendly hotel chains

From travel-friendly workout gear to hotel lending programs, it’s now easier than ever to stay active on vacation

Fitness-friendly hotel chains

Source: Best Health magazine, Jan/Feb 2013; Image: Thinkstockphoto

It’s becoming easier to stick to your workout regimen while travelling. Many destinations offer active ways to check out the city’s sights, including walking tours, cycling tours and even running tours. Fitness tools such as mini-bands, suspension bands and tubing are easy to travel with and don’t require a huge amount of space.

And now, some hotel chains are offering fitness gear you can rent during your stay. Fairmont Hotels & Resorts across Canada have rental gear that’s available to members of its Fairmont President’s Club. Members of this loyalty program get access to Reebok footwear and workout gear (a track jacket, shirt and socks, plus capris and sports bras for women, and pants or shorts for men). You can also request a pre-loaded MP3 player to use during your workout, and if you like the Reebok gear you received, you can purchase new items at a 15 percent discount. Both the shoes and gear are available in Canada exclusively through the Fairmont Fit Program.

Westin Hotels & Resorts have also launched a Gear Lending Program, offering New Balance footwear and apparel on loan (including capri pants, shirts, sports bras and socks for women, and shorts, shirts and socks for men). Shoes are currently available to guests at all 190 Westin hotels around the world (the full program rolls out in February) for a fee of $5 per stay. Bonus: You can keep the New Balance socks, and you’ll receive a coupon for a 10 percent discount at

This article was originally titled "Borrow workout gear at two hotel chains" in the Jan/Feb 2013 issue of Best Health. Subscribe today to get the full Best Health experience’and never miss an issue!