Should You Cancel Your Holiday?

You might not want to cancel a holiday if you’re sick – whether it’s the flu or something more serious – but you’ll have to ask your self these questions.

too sick to travel, a packing flatlayphoto credit: shutterstock

Are you too sick to travel?

Nothing is worse than cancelling a trip because you’re sick – except for being on vacation feeling terrible. Ask yourself these five questions to find out if you’re feeling well enough (and are prepared enough) to go away.

  1. Are you fit enough to travel?
    Remember, travel can be tiring and bathrooms (!) may not be immediately accessible. Think about how you could handle a situation without running to the bathroom and if you’ll be too exhausted to enjoy the Eiffel Tower.
  2. What diseases are endemic to the region you’re visiting?
    Your immune system is weak. So you’ll be susceptible to conditions you might not be exposed to at home.
  3. Do you qualify for travel insurance?
    If not, consider the financial implications if you require medication, a doctor’s visit or hospitalization or an emergency flight back home.
  4. Who is travelling with you?
    It’s important to find someone you can trust. They may be making decisions for you if you can’t do it yourself.
  5. Are there medical facilities within a reasonable distance from your destination?
    This requires a bit of research. Make a plan. What is your worst case scenario and can you handle it? You’ll want to know this before you leave.

If you don’t feel confident with your answers to these questions, it may be time to make the adult decision not to go away since you’re too sick to travel. We know it sucks, but you’ll feel better about your decision in the long run.

If you are prepared enough to travel, try to make the most of your trip. It’s easy to feel negative when you’re not feeling so hot, so stay positive and try to enjoy yourself. It is a vacation, after all.

Originally Published in Best Health Canada